• Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

What you need to know about stripping material


Jan 24, 2023
stripping material

This method allows you to remove one or more layers of coatings, on another material. Thus, your room returns to its original appearance. You can also cover it with another material, according to your needs.

It is suitable for rooms of enormous dimensions such as grids, gratings or swings. In addition, you can use all kinds of paint: liquid, epoxy or cataphoresis.It is advisable to use this process on your equipment, because it respects the environment. Production of paint sludge and waste is reduced.

DIABLO pyrolysis ovens

This system is suitable for cleaning your small tools, such as injectors, dies. You easily remove plastics from moulds, nozzles, etc. Because of its reliability, you maintain them easily.SANTANA pyrolysis ovens

Use this variant for rooms with huge dimensions.CHEMICAL PICKLING

Sodium pickling.?

This process uses potassium, or sodium, to remove the layer from your coating. Apply the amount of sodium, depending on the layer of paint to be cleaned. After application, pour water over the entire surface.

Solvent stripping

This method applies solvents, to remove varnish or paint, in several coats. Wear suitable gloves to avoid skin irritaion. After application, rinse with water.


This process uses the projection of small balls of steel, ceramic or glass, on the surface of your part to be treated.

Opt for this method to improve the lifespan and anti-corrosive quality of your part. In addition, it neutralizes surface defects, and does not require retouching after treatment. You can apply it on different metals. For example, aluminum, cast iron, magnesium or steel.

You can use this technique, in the degumming of airfields or the repair of the roadway.


You can use this method to remove loose iron from the surface of a part. Then, cover the latter with a layer of anticorrosive oxide. However, to avoid the damage produced by heat, or humidity, apply the process regularly.

Passivation uses nitric acid. However, opt for citric acid because:

It protects the environment (biodegradable)

Very effective in removing corrosion

Does not release toxic fumes

Only removes iron

The type of alloy treated determines the duration of the treatment. However, you must scrupulously respect the following steps:

Carefully remove the surface of the part, traces of oil, grease, and other deposits.

Immerse the equipment in the passivation bath, between 25 minutes to 80 minutes, at a temperature below 50ᵒC.

As soon as the process is finished, wash the equipment in water or in a solution of sodium dichromate. This solution eliminates traces of acid on the surface of the part.


This metal has a thin natural passive layer. It occurs on contact with oxygen in the ambient air. However, this stratum is insensitive to corrosion.

The passivation of the stainless steel produces a more compact protective layer of chrome. This layer ensures high corrosion resistance.

The technique is carried out in an acid bath, by spraying or immersion. You must redo the operation when the chromium oxide layer is damaged.

Cadécap Industrie is specialized in industrial pickling operations . Its skills cover the industrial stripping of paints, oxidations, varnishes and even plastics. It also performs bead blasting, sandblasting, airbrushing, shot blasting and passivation of stainless steel parts.

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